About Us


                                                 2 Timothy 2-10

Hi everyone! This movement is birthed and Inspired by a diverse group of people centered on Jesus Christ, Seeking to wholly enjoy his grace by faithfully embodying his love for one another and boldly engage our cultures and ways with his TRUTH. Extending it from ourselves to our neighbors then all the way to nations through ministry. ( Prayers, Word, Fellowship, Devotion, Worship) 

We are all chosen by grace in advance and adopted into christ’s family therefore we praise and worship him for his reckless love that he gave his only son to die for us so that we can be free. 

We have tried rules and laws working our heads off to please God and it didn’t work. Therefore we quit being “Law Men” and chose the grace that Christ embodied on us. Our Ego is no longer central therefore it’s not important that we appear righteous before anyone or driven to impress God because Christ lives in us the hope of glory. Christ is unveiled in us so that we proclaim him to the nations. Birthing “Graced To The Nations” commissioned to carry and spread love of Christ and good news to those that have not heard and to the lost. It is also our mandate to reach the marginalized therefore as we excel in faith, Knowledge,  earnestness and love, we should also excel in the grace of giving. Money is not the only medium of exchange for the grace of giving rather we can also give out our time by serving in our communities or churches, giving words of knowledge, encouraging others with our testimonies, the time we spend reaching out to one another is so crucial. By this we carry hope to the nations.