How should we look at troubles around us?



Do you have any challenges in your life? 

Is it unemployment, broken marriage, loss of loved ones, battling with addiction like alcoholism, or is it a chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, Hiv Aids, or any other kind, financial loss, barrenness, are you homeless, depression, anxiety. 

How should we look at troubles around us? 

James 1:2-4 NKJV

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, [3] knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. [4] But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Pure Joy brings contentment when we understand that nothing in this world will separate us from our lord and savior. When we face trials of this world, Christ calls us to look at the finished work on the cross as he has lived a perfect example therefore as we go through trials and tribulations mention them all. Christ is calling us to focus on him by putting our faith in him this will help us endure long suffering making you count it all pure Joy even when everything seems to be falling apart. 

Deep Dive 

1 Peter 4:12-13 

1 Peter 1:7-8 

Romans 8:39


Heavenly Father, Hallowed be your name Your kingdom come, We thank you for our lives today, I thank you for your protection over our family members, our children and ourselves as well. Father we at your throne of grace asking you Abba. May your mercies that endure forever help us in the challenging times, Father as we are going through tribulations father may we look at you as the author and finisher of our faith. May we put our trust in you completely so that we can count all the troubles of the world as pure Joy. King Jesus help us to guard our hearts for you said that out of our hearts flow issues of life, Yes lord we glorify you Lord. May you reign in our lives may we see you in everything that we plan to do and think of because the earth and its fullness are yours.

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