Wisdom Comes From The Lord

James 1:5 NKJV

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

 He alone can rightly direct our steps and show us what we should do. If we seek to know God’s will, we should trust him always to guide us step by step as we seek Him.  

Is your mind cluttered with worry right now because you are confused about troubling circumstances? Job loss, Un employment, Chronic diseases, loss of loved one, child bareness, addiction, depression, drowning in loans. 

 Set aside some time to sit quietly before God this week with your Bible, a pen, and a notebook. Spend time praying and asking Him to give you discernment as you read your Bible, If we seek for council it should be from the lord. 

If you do not know this God or do not have a bible give a shout and it will delivered to you. 


Heavenly father, thank you for the gift of life, we do not take this for granted at all, we thank you for your word today that whoever lacks wisdom let him ask of you lord and here I am asking wisdom for every individual out there in the nations who seeks for it now. King Jesus may you give them discernment in each and everything that requires understanding. Those worried heavenly father may you pamper them with peace, joy and love. May someone receive hope this right morning. May someone receive a call of hope, new report from the doctors that brings hope in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen  

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