How often do you read the word? When you read the word do you understand it? Read Now !


Mark 4:17 NKJV

and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word's sake, immediately they stumble.

Having a root in the word is so essential and understanding it to the core. And in this scripture as Christ was giving a parable of the sower he mentioned about the consequences of not being rooted in the word. It's through tribulations or persecution that there will be a shaking in men to find out if they are rooted in the word. 

Jesus continued in the same chapter narrating more about the parable and said let's not be like the seed that fell on the footpath just for Satan to come and take it away therefore READ THE WORD and ask the HOLY SPIRIT for understanding and revelation. 

Deep Dive

Psalms 105:16-20


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your gift of breath. We give you all the glory and honor for each word that has been laid down in scriptures that we dwell unto in our generation. We thank you for your word is light to our feet that with it we do not stumble. We thank you King Jesus indeed your word brings hope, life and as well gives us counsel and wisdom. Help us meditate upon your goodness through your word daily, May we understand it whenever we open the bible to read it, Holy spirit give us new revelation, a new fresh fire and zeal of your word. May each and every person reading this daily bread be ignited with the new fire to deep dive in your word from today onwards in Jesus name I pray Amen. 

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  1. Amen. Let's pray in faith over the nations, and claim the promise of a rich harvest; then He will provide 'good soil' in abundance...
