The human heart is wicked. Who can understand it?


Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT

Verse 09. The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

Verse 10. But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.

Examine yourself to see if you are still standing in the lord. Examine yourself to see if your heart aligns with what you are asking God for. Our lord searches all peoples hearts and rewards according to what comes out of them. Therefore as you are praying for anything this morning. My question is are you ready to receive it? You are praying for a financial breakthrough. Are you ready for it and have you prepared yourself to handle all the businesses that he will bring to you. Ask yourself questions like how do business men behave, what do they do? 

Maybe you are asking God for a scholarship. Qn. Do you often read books because that means you must excel highly? What are your motives after the scholarship? Is it just a checklist or my family just want me to do it? 

Asking God for a husband/wife? Are you ready for marriage? Where is your heart? Do you know how husbands and wives behave and live? Who is the right wife that the Bible speaks about? Are you that right wife/husband? 

Deep Dive 

1 Corinthians 2:11


Heavenly Father, I give glory to you. Abba I belong to you. My help comes from you. You are my solid rock of whence I find refuge. Father, as we ask all the questions in our lives to examine and see if we are on the right track, please let your Holy Spirit guide us on this course of life. We often have our desires that don’t align with your will but we give ourselves to you lord this morning. As you examine our hearts Lord speak to us and direct our foot steps on what to do and what not to do Jesus. Thank you our redeemer. Amen

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